NFDC Releases 5 year Strategic Plan

The Nunavut Film Development Corporation’s (NFDC) role is to increase economic opportunities for Nunavummiut in the screen-based industry and to promote Nunavut as a circumpolar production location. This Strategic Plan provides direction on how to best serve Nunavut’s screen-based industry for the next five years (2020-2025). In recent years, substantial changes in the screen-based industry have transformed the way that content is created and consumed. Nunavut’s competitiveness in the industry is limited by significant challenges including the cost of and access to technology, equipment, and bandwidth. However, Nunavut holds a clear and competitive industry position particularly in relation to Inuit cultural content that is exclusively associated with Inuit producers.


Scoping the Future of Broadband’s Impact on Nunavut’s Screen-Based Industry


Recording of Webinar: Project Development with Stacey Aglok MacDonald and Alethea Arnquq Baril!